
Small Bazaar Cart/Zeber, Owner/No Bias

While Charming carries an array of magical goodies, the primary thing this small cart pushes is a variety of  truly weird-ass alchemy ingredients, some of which you'd probably never need, but which may be hard to find anywhere else.  Such ingredients range from something as simple as dried sap from an Amazonian Strak Bush to the tips of the antennae off a rare Antarctic Ice Diver.  While some of the less exotic stuff is actually available at the cart, the rarer goods require a personal meet with the owner at a secure location.


Archetype: Human Talismonger

Living in just about every country in the world has, among other things, caused Zeber to develop one of the weirdest accents you will ever encounter (imagine taking a Yoko Ono album, playing it backwards, and then removing some of the high pitched squeal.)  A self declared "non-denominational talismonger" (Zeber is not magically active), Zeber is equally skilled in all magical talismongering traditions (even the really weird ones) and has a wide range of contacts throughout the world (although it takes a long time to earn enough of her trust to convince her to give out a name or two).  Her hair usually consists of three or four different hair styles mixed together and her skin is a quilt of different shades, almost appearing as if it has acquired some of the racial qualities of the people Zeber has encountered in her travels.

Graystone Garage (Denton, CFS)

Large Automotive Facility/Mark Graystone, Owner/No Bias

Located in the remote desert town of Denton, CFS, Graystone Garage also dubs as a vehicular chop shop and a node for the shipping of high technology vehicle parts (primarily snagged autopilot chips).

Mark Graystone

Archetype: Human Mechanic/Technology Fence

A friendly man who (much to the dismay of some of his colleagues) is willing to give green runners a shot at running chips, Mark has been dealing with the fencing and shipment of chips for over twenty years.  His isolated shop is not only protected by his own mechanics (a majority of whom were in the military before the Imperial forces moved in) but also gains the protection of the local police who allow Mark's operations to continue just as long as no harm comes to the people (or the vehicles) of Denton itself.

Graystone Garage (Renton, Seattle)

Medium Automotive Facility/Bud Graystone, Owner/No Bias

Unlike its counterpart in CFS, Graystone Seattle deals only in the smuggling/fencing of chips and other electronic automotive goods and almost never deals directly with stolen automobiles.

Bud Graystone

Archetype: Human Mechanic/Technology Fence

Bud's  adventurous disposition results in him taking some rather idiotic risks that occasionally get him in trouble when things invariable go wrong.  However, his calm and systematic way of dealing with problems usually allows him to pull his ass out of trouble with minimal difficulty.  Like his brother (Mark), Bud is willing to give new or down on their luck runners a chance at making some money.